Assessed properly, core behaviors can be determined and performance in the job can be predicted. An individual will typically be most effective and content in work that plays to his or her strengths, avoids his or her weaknesses, involves his or her interests, and satisfies his or her needs. Primarily powered by Hogan Assessments, we identify the candidate’s bright side (strengths/potential), down side (derailers/challenges under stress or pressure) and inside (core values and motivators).
Leadership Forecast Series
A detailed assessment series for new hire selection, promotion or development consideration for mid-high level managers, executives, and/or high-level individual contributors. Includes behavioral implications, leadership implications, competency analysis and actionable development recommendations.
MORE INFOInsight Series
Assess new hires or help guide promotion consideration for emerging and mid-level managers and supervisors. Includes an executive summary of behavior, score interpretation, and recommended interview discussion points. Use occupational scales to align fit with the job’s focus on sales, service, clerical or management potential.
Measuring emotional intelligence, a key indicator of how a candidate will interact with others, is an important step in selecting new hires and considering internal transfers, promotions or development. Consider how the total EQ score compares to others in your culture. Includes pros and cons and discussion points on the candidate’s scores as they relate to employability, leadership potential, and teamwork.
MORE INFOCustom Basis Report
A custom solution for high volume pre-selection screening based on competency scores (combinations of scales) and benchmarks selected by the client. The report can be customized for sales, management, and leadership positions, and provides hiring managers with a specific behavioral interviewing system.
MORE INFOTQ Talent Assessment
Measures a candidate’s core personality traits and general cognitive ability. Create job-specific benchmark profiles and behavioral interviewing system for high volume pre-selection, comparing specific traits and characteristics necessary for the specific position and company culture.
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consultant today to begin planning for success.