Thinking Styles and Preferences

The Fitzgerald MSI Thinking Style and Preferences Report helps answer many questions about people, pairs, groups and teams. The results help you quickly improve lines of communication, interpersonal relationships, productivity, efficiency and business results.

Use the report to help onboard new hires quickly and/or improve the working dynamics on and between existing teams. Get answers to questions like, “Why aren’t we all on the same page? Why doesn’t he understand what I’m saying? Why can’t they see the problem as clearly as I can? Can’t we just do it? Why does it seem like our meetings go on forever but we don’t get enough done? Why are facts just a suggestion to some people? How can their team be so blind to the rules my team has to follow?”

After completing a 20-25 minute online assessment, each person receives a comprehensive report that includes in-depth interpretation of the results, comparison data, and activities for further exploration and development. Each person, pair, or team is debriefed on how to understand the results and adapt thinking preferences and optimize brainpower to maximize business results

The analytical foundation of the report is powered by the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®), a time-proven psychometric assessment that defines and describes the way you think and process information. It’s a methodology designed to help thinkers, teams and organizations better benefit from all of the thinking available to them. It acknowledges that while different tasks require different mental processes, and different people prefer different kinds of thinking, organizations will get better results when they can strategically leverage the full spectrum of thinking available.

Why Use It?
Individual report

(20-25 minute online assessment)

Everyone has thinking preferences, some strong, others intermediate. Those preferences develop into dominances, and without the awareness of those preferences, you may fall victim to blind spots when it comes to other people’s ways of thinking.

Learn more about how you think, and how your thinking effects your communication and connection with other people. Recognize how you respond to stress for greater self-awareness.

Learn to fully leverage your own preferences, stretch to other quadrants when necessary, and adapt to and take advantage of the preferences of those around you to improve performance and results.

99% satisfaction of individuals on post-consultative surveys.

95% effectiveness in building self-awareness and helping individuals understand their dominances and how they influence their communications style.

Pair report

(requires individual reports for each person in the pair)

Introduce two people (a new hire, leader, business partner, coach, mentor or other new team member).

Identify potential areas of synergy and conflict (under everyday/normal conditions and when they’re under pressure), the report delivers invaluable data that will help any two people prepare for successful interactions and maintain productive relationships.

Improve the synergy in an existing pair relationship (peer-to-peer, leader-direct report, coach-coachee, mentor-mentee, facilitator-learner or others).

Help two people resolve conflict or deal with other issues that could be interfering with their effectiveness.


99% effectiveness in mentor/mentee program.

71% of managers reporting improved ability to delegate.

Employees better able to meet manager expectations.

Shorter, less stressful, more productive one-on-one meetings.

Team report

(requires individual reports for each person on the team)

Set the stage for intact and cross-functional team success (executive, sales, marketing, project-specific, strategic planning, etc.).

Equip your teams with the data, insights and processes they need to take accountability for their productivity, move past roadblocks and distractions, generate more unique ideas, and reach better decisions and outcomes every time.

Align the team’s thinking with the tasks it’s assigned to accomplish.

Reduce productivity-killing stress and conflict.

Assemble a cognitively diverse team to tackle a complex challenge or opportunity.

Help teams manage projects, make decisions and solve problems more effectively.

Introduce new teams, team members or guests.

40% reduction in overall product development and strategy development time.

Five-fold increase in revenues in a two-year timespan.

Successful cultural integration and work realignment, resulting in improved overall performance.

Shift from strictly operational mindset to a more collaborative, inclusive approach, leading to improved innovation, engagement and talent recruitment.


Ready to get to work? Get in touch with a Fitzgerald MSI
consultant today to begin planning for success.

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