Judgment Report

This assessment consists of two brief measures related to verbal and numerical reasoning, three independent scales that assess non-cognitive attributes that influence how an individual approaches decisions, and an assessment of post-decision reactions, including responses to negative feedback.

The report provides an in-depth description of participants’ information-processing style, decision-making approach, decision-making style, reactions to feedback, and openness to feedback and coaching. Good judgment involves being willing to acknowledge and fix bad decisions, and learn from experience. Armed with this powerful knowledge, participants can improve their decision-making and judgment.

How you prefer to learn

How quickly you process complex information affects your decisions. Some people prefer to think in terms of words and images, and some people prefer to think in terms of numbers and symbols.

How you make decisions

Your personality determines the bias in your decision-making process, whether it’s avoiding threats vs. seeking rewards, thinking tactically vs. thinking strategically, or relying on data vs. trusting your gut.

How you react to decisions

At some point, you’ll make a bad decision. Will you accept the blame and change course, or will you double down? What you do next will determine the course of your career, and perhaps your company.

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